Ostara celebrates new beginnings, the coming sunlight and the rebirth of the earth. We see it every year, lambs in the fields, baby birds in the nest, its natures time for renewal. Ostara is often associated with goddesses of fertility, Aphrodite and Venus. Ostara has links with Easter, both symbolising rebirth and new beginnings and sharing symbols such as eggs and rabbits which are traditional symbols associated with fertility.
· Plant seeds
· Honour the bees
· Grounding
· Paint eggs
· Make flower crowns
Gardening is excellent for the mind and body, it’s a great way to get in some gentle exercise, fresh air and sunshine. It can help keep your body healthy and clear the mind. Plant flowers, herbs or vegetables with intention, connect with the ground and the earth around you and acknowledge the power of mother nature, the coming of the light and the changing seasons.
With spring and flowers in bloom come the bees. Bees are essential to the life as we know it, they pollinate, helping plants reproduce and supporting the food chain. Gardens or window boxes are really important for the bees as they provide pollen and nectar. Bees are attracted by blues and purples, leave the daisies and dandelions to grow and plant some crocuses or marjoram.
Grounding can take some practice but it can be incredibly beneficial to the energy that flows throughout your body. Take your shoes and socks off and stand on the grass outside. Imagine a ball of light in the centre of your stomach and hold it there for a while, think how it feels and how it makes you feel. Then imagine that ball expanding, moving down your legs, through your arms and up through your chest and neck. Focus on the way it feels as it flows through your body. Finally imagine the light moving through your feet and connecting with the ground, feel the excess energy leaving your body and share the light with the ground underneath your feet. Find the balance between you and nature as the light flows between your and the earth and focus on how it makes you feel.
Eggs are a symbol of Ostara, rebirth and renewal. Getting creative and painting some eggs is a fun way to celebrate Ostara, you can do it on your own or have friends and family around or take some supplies into work and have a wellbeing session with your colleagues. Often people think things like this are just for children but there’s no age limit on having fun and being creative. Let go of the stresses of adult life for an hour and have fun with your creativity.
This is another fun crafting activity that can be done either on your own or with others. They can be a fun accessory, symbolising fertility, love and new beginnings. This is something that is really easy to do so anyone can have a go, simply shape wire into a circle that fits around your head, wrap greenery around the base, trim the flowers and wire each flower stem attaching bunches around the crown. Fill in any empty spaces.